Word2Vec Algorithm Derivation & Implementation

Word2Vec Algorithm Derivation & Implementation

Author: Guo Bi Yang This article mainly summarizes the computational and programming problems from cs224n’s assignment 2. I found this assignment design to be excellent, progressing step by step, with both theory and practice, and a moderate level of difficulty. The overall structure feels more like a detailed tutorial. Therefore, I will review and reflect … Read more

Python Data Science & Machine Learning Optimization Tips

Python Data Science & Machine Learning Optimization Tips

Python Data Science & Machine Learning: These Optimization Tips You Probably Don’t Know! Introduction Dear Python developers and data science enthusiasts, have you ever encountered the following scenarios: Spent several days doing data analysis with Python, but the program runs slowly, and memory consumption is through the roof? Trying to tune a deep learning model … Read more

Implementing RNN and LSTM with Pure NumPy

Implementing RNN and LSTM with Pure NumPy

Machine Heart Report Contributor: Siyuan With the popularity of frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch, building neural networks often just involves calling a few API lines. Most developers have become unfamiliar with the underlying mechanisms, especially how to implement neural networks using pure NumPy. Previously, Machine Heart introduced how to implement a simple convolutional neural network … Read more

Build a Neural Network in 100 Lines of Python Code

Build a Neural Network in 100 Lines of Python Code

Produced by Big Data Digest Source: eisenjulian Compiled by: Zhou Jiale, Qian Tianpei Using deep learning libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch to write a neural network is no longer a novelty. But do you know how to elegantly build a neural network using Python and NumPy? Nowadays, there are many deep learning frameworks available, equipped … Read more

Why Is PyTorch So Efficient and Easy to Use? Exploring the Framework’s Internal Architecture

Why Is PyTorch So Efficient and Easy to Use? Exploring the Framework's Internal Architecture

Selected from blog.christianperone Author:Christian S. Perone Translated by: Machine Heart Contributors: Siyuan, Huang Xiaotian, Li Zenan As a deep learning framework supported by Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) team, PyTorch has rapidly become a popular development tool since its launch in January 2017. Its advantages in debugging, compilation, and other aspects have made it widely … Read more

Unlocking Data with Amazon SageMaker and CodeWhisperer

Unlocking Data with Amazon SageMaker and CodeWhisperer

Today, we explore a powerful combination, namely Amazon SageMaker and Amazon CodeWhisperer, that can “unlock” data in the world of data science and machine learning, allowing you to achieve more with less effort. How to integrate the tools from Amazon Web Services (AWS) into your machine learning and data processing workflows, and how to leverage … Read more

Accelerating Image Recognition with Numpy: Advances in Visual Computing

Accelerating Image Recognition with Numpy: Advances in Visual Computing

#Accelerating Image Recognition with Numpy: Visual Computing in Action! Today, we will discuss how Numpy can speed up image recognition. Image recognition, in simple terms, is about making computers ‘see’ images and understand them (or at least recognize what they are). Behind this, a lot of mathematical calculations happen at high speed, and Numpy is … Read more