Various Fascinating Self-Attention Mechanisms

Various Fascinating Self-Attention Mechanisms

MLNLP community is a well-known machine learning and natural language processing community both domestically and internationally, covering NLP master’s and doctoral students, university teachers, and corporate researchers. The community’s vision is to promote communication and progress among the academic and industrial circles of natural language processing and machine learning, especially for beginners. Reprinted from | … Read more

11 Ingenious Plugins for CNN Network Design

11 Ingenious Plugins for CNN Network Design

Click the "AI Algorithms and Image Processing" above, select "Star" or "Pin" Heavy content, delivered first time Recommended Reading 31 Python practical projects teach you image processing, PDF open download opencv_contrib extension module Chinese tutorial PDF, limited time to receive Author丨Peter Pan Editor丨Extreme City Platform Introduction The so-called “plugin” is something that can enhance performance … Read more

Exploring 17 Attention Mechanisms in Deep Learning

Exploring 17 Attention Mechanisms in Deep Learning

Attention Mechanisms have become the foundational architecture for model design; it’s almost a given that a good model should incorporate some form of attention. This article summarizes the current state of Attention Mechanisms by introducing 17 mainstream types of attention mechanisms, explaining their basic principles and computational methods, and providing their sources along with corresponding … Read more