Understanding Word2vec: The Essence of Word Vectors

Understanding Word2vec: The Essence of Word Vectors

Summary of Word2vec Reference Materials Let me briefly describe my deep dive into Word2vec: I first looked at Mikolov’s two original papers on Word2vec, but found myself still confused after reading them. The main reason is that these papers omit too much theoretical background and derivation details. I then revisited Bengio’s 2003 JMLR paper and … Read more

Baidu NLP | Neural Network Semantic Matching Technology

Baidu NLP | Neural Network Semantic Matching Technology

Baidu NLP Column Author: Baidu NLP 1. Introduction Text matching is an important foundational problem in natural language processing. Many tasks in natural language processing can be abstracted as text matching tasks. For example, web search can be abstracted as a relevance matching problem between web pages and user search queries, automatic question answering can … Read more