A Beginner’s Guide to TensorFlow Playground

A Beginner's Guide to TensorFlow Playground

Introduction: Hello, readers of the “Beginner’s Data Learning” series! It has been a while. Google recently launched a neural network visualization teaching platform called “TensorFlow Playground”. You can now play with neural networks right in your browser! Isn’t that amazing? After trying it out with the beginner, you’ll definitely feel like, “Aha, this is what … Read more

The Relationship Between Graph Neural Networks (GNN) and Neural Networks

The Relationship Between Graph Neural Networks (GNN) and Neural Networks

1 Introduction Deep neural networks are composed of neurons organized into layers and interconnected, capturing their architecture through computation graphs, where neurons are represented as nodes and directed edges connect different layers of neurons. The performance of neural networks depends on their architecture, but there is currently a lack of systematic understanding of the relationship … Read more

Hinton’s Latest Research: The Future of Neural Networks is Forward-Forward Algorithm

Hinton's Latest Research: The Future of Neural Networks is Forward-Forward Algorithm

Big Data Digest authorized reprint from AI Technology Review Authors: Li Mei, Huang Nan Editor: Chen Caixian In the past decade, deep learning has achieved remarkable victories, with methods using large parameters and data through stochastic gradient descent proven effective. The gradient descent typically uses the backpropagation algorithm, which has led to ongoing questions about … Read more

The Separation of Neural Networks: A 32-Year Journey

The Separation of Neural Networks: A 32-Year Journey

Produced by Big Data Digest Compiled by: Andy The backpropagation algorithm belongs to deep learning and plays an important role in solving model optimization problems. This algorithm was proposed by Geoffrey Hinton, known as the father of deep learning. In 1986, he published a paper titled “Learning representations by back-propagating errors” (Rumelhart, Hinton & Williams, … Read more

An In-Depth Introduction to Attention Mechanism in CV

An In-Depth Introduction to Attention Mechanism in CV

In the field of deep learning, there are many specialized terms that can be quite overwhelming at first glance. However, as we delve deeper, we gradually start to understand them, albeit feeling like something is still missing. Today, we will discuss a specialized term called Attention mechanism! 1. Intuitive Understanding of Attention Imagine a scenario … Read more

Current Research Status of Attention Mechanisms

Current Research Status of Attention Mechanisms

Click the above“Machine Learning and Generative Adversarial Networks” to follow and star Get interesting and fun cutting-edge content! Author on Zhihu: Mr. Good Good, please delete if infringing https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/361893386 1 Background Knowledge The Attention mechanism was first proposed in the field of visual images, probably in the 1990s, but it really gained popularity with the … Read more

Understanding Attention Mechanism in NLP with Code Examples

Understanding Attention Mechanism in NLP with Code Examples

Produced by Machine Learning Algorithms and Natural Language Processing @Official Account Original Column Author Don.hub Position | Algorithm Engineer at JD.com School | Imperial College London Outline Intuition Analysis Pros Cons From Seq2Seq To Attention Model Seq2Seq is important, but its flaws are obvious Attention was born Write the encoder and decoder model Taxonomy of … Read more

Detailed Explanation of Attention Mechanism and Transformer in NLP

Detailed Explanation of Attention Mechanism and Transformer in NLP

Source | Zhihu Author | JayLou Link | https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/53682800 Editor | Deep Learning Matters WeChat Public Account This article is for academic sharing only. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete. This article summarizes the attention mechanism (Attention) in natural language processing in a Q&A format and provides an in-depth analysis of … Read more

Introduction to Attention Mechanism

Introduction to Attention Mechanism

The attention mechanism is mentioned in both of the following articles: How to make chatbot conversations more informative and how to automatically generate text summaries. Today, let’s take a look at what attention is. This paper is considered the first work using the attention mechanism in NLP. They applied the attention mechanism to Neural Machine … Read more

Attention Mechanism in Deep Learning

Attention Mechanism in Deep Learning

Introduction Alexander J. Smola, the head of machine learning at Amazon Web Services, presented on the attention mechanism in deep learning at the ICML2019 conference, detailing the evolution from the earliest Nadaraya-Watson Estimator (NWE) to the latest Multiple Attention Heads. Authors | Alex Smola, Aston Zhang Translator | Xiaowen The report is divided into six … Read more