HuggingGPT: Automatically Calling Models Based on User Needs

HuggingGPT: Automatically Calling Models Based on User Needs

HuggingGPT, developed by Zhejiang University and Microsoft Research Asia, also known as JARVIS, can automatically analyze the required AI models based on the user’s natural language description and directly call the corresponding models on Huggingface to provide a solution for the user. 1. Workflow of HuggingGPT The workflow consists of four stages: Task Planning:ChatGPT parses … Read more

HuggingGPT: A ChatGPT Controller for All AI Models

HuggingGPT: A ChatGPT Controller for All AI Models

The Ultimate Combination: HuggingFace + ChatGPT — HuggingGPT is here! Source | Quantum Bit Just give it an AI task, such as “What animals are in the picture below, and how many of each are there?” It can automatically analyze which AI models are needed, and then directly call the corresponding models from HuggingFace to … Read more