In-Depth Understanding of Word2Vec

In-Depth Understanding of Word2Vec

Deep Learning Author: louwill From: Deep Learning Notes Language models are one of the core concepts in natural language processing. Word2Vec is a neural network-based language model and a method for word representation. Word2Vec includes two structures: skip-gram and CBOW (Continuous Bag of Words), but essentially both are operations for dimensionality reduction of vocabulary. Word2Vec … Read more

In-Depth Analysis of the Word2Vec Model

In-Depth Analysis of the Word2Vec Model

β€œ This article provides a detailed explanation of the two structures in word2vec: CBOW and skip-gram, as well as the two optimization techniques: hierarchical softmax and negative sampling. Understanding these details and principles of the word2vec algorithm is very helpful!” Source: TianMin Word2vec is a lightweight neural network model that consists of an input … Read more