Traefik: A Modern Reverse Proxy for Microservices Management

Traefik: A Modern Reverse Proxy for Microservices Management

Traefik is a modern and flexible reverse proxy and load balancer that allows developers and operations teams to easily manage microservices! Whether you are a cloud computing and microservices enthusiast or looking for an efficient network architecture management tool, this article will take you deep into the installation and usage of Traefik, making everything a … Read more

Performance Testing Comparison of NGINX Ingress Controller and Red Hat OpenShift Router

Performance Testing Comparison of NGINX Ingress Controller and Red Hat OpenShift Router

Amir Rawdat Position: Technical Marketing Engineer Company: F5 Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) is one of the most popular managed Kubernetes platforms. Like its competitors, OCP comes with default traffic management tools to help users get started quickly. The OCP Router, based on HAProxy, is the default ingress for OCP clusters. It can implement … Read more

First Experience with Cloud-Native Observability Platform OpenObserve

First Experience with Cloud-Native Observability Platform OpenObserve

OpenObserve is an open-source, high-performance cloud-native observability platform (logs, metrics, tracing) developed in Rust. Compared to Elasticsearch, it can save about 140 times the storage cost. OpenObserve can handle PB-level data, making it a great tool to try if you are looking for an observability tool for logs, metrics, and tracing. Although OpenObserve is currently … Read more

Understanding OpenShift Networking: Router vs Route

Understanding OpenShift Networking: Router vs Route

1. Why Does OpenShift Need Router and Route? As the name suggests, a Router is a routing device, and a Route is a route configured within that router. These two concepts in OpenShift are designed to address the need for accessing services from outside the cluster (i.e., from locations other than the cluster nodes). I … Read more

Differences Between Kubernetes Ingress and OpenShift Router

Differences Between Kubernetes Ingress and OpenShift Router

Objective: Discuss the differences between Kubernetes Ingress and OpenShift Router Prerequisite: Understanding of Kubernetes and OpenShift Background: Kubernetes Ingress and OpenShift Route can expose services (Service) through routing, facilitating external access to internal cluster resources while also providing load balancing. Kubernetes Ingress Overview: Kubernetes Ingress is a Kubernetes resource used to manage and configure how … Read more

OpenShift Router Configuration Reload Mechanism

OpenShift Router Configuration Reload Mechanism

The OpenShift Router is the entry point for almost all north-south traffic, making it crucial to understand its operational mechanism, particularly the configuration update and reload mechanism.In case of service request anomalies, we can quickly analyze the problem’s cause, fix it in a timely manner, and ensure application continuity.This chapter mainly introduces the configuration loading … Read more

OpenShift Router Sharding for Network Traffic Isolation

OpenShift Router Sharding for Network Traffic Isolation

In enterprise practice, multiple OpenShift clusters are often deployed: for development testing, production, etc. Each cluster is independent and isolated by physical resources. This approach is simple to manage and easy to understand but consumes more resources, as each cluster requires additional control and operational nodes. Is there a way to run different environments on … Read more