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Reports on machine learning algorithms and natural language processing
How to Incorporate Attention Mechanism in NLP?
Author: Yi Zhen
Hello, reading code is the best way to understand concepts. Here, I provide a simple implementation of dot_attention in Pytorch.
def dot_attention(self, seq, cond, lens):
:param seq: (b_s, m_s, h_s)
:param cond: (b_s, h_s)
:param lens: [len_1, len_2] the real len of the seq for mask the eos.
:return: contexts, scores
scores = cond.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(seq).mul(seq).sum(2)
# seq = self.dropout(seq)
max_len = max(lens)
for i, l in enumerate(lens):
if l < max_len:[i, l:] = -np.inf
scores = F.softmax(scores, dim=1)
context = scores.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(seq).mul(seq).sum(1)
return context, scores # context (b_s, h_s) scores (b_s, m_s)
The returned context is the context vector after applying attention, and scores are the attention scores, where the input lens is used to mitigate the impact of padding.
I hope this helps you understand better!
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