Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

Source: Deep Learning Enthusiasts

Author on Zhihu | Master Su

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This article is about 3200 words, and it is recommended to read in 5 minutes

This article introduces the visualization of the LSTM model structure.

Recently, I have been studying the application of LSTM in time series prediction, but I encountered a significant problem: after adding the time step to the traditional BP network, its structure becomes very difficult to understand, and the input-output data format is also hard to comprehend. There are many articles on LSTM structure online, but they are not intuitive and are very unfriendly to beginners. I also pondered for a long time, and only after looking at many materials and diagrams shared by netizens did I understand the intricacies. The content of this article is as follows:

1. Traditional BP Networks and CNN Networks 2. LSTM Networks 3. LSTM Input Structure 4. LSTM in PyTorch 4.1 LSTM Model Defined in PyTorch 4.2 Data Format Fed to LSTM 4.3 LSTM Output Format 5. LSTM Combined with Other Networks

Traditional BP Networks and CNN Networks

BP networks and CNN networks do not have a time dimension, and they are similar to traditional machine learning algorithms. CNN can be understood as stacking multiple layers when processing the 3 channels of a color image. The three-dimensional matrix of the image can be understood as spatial slices, and when writing code, you can stack them layer by layer according to the diagram. The following figure shows a typical BP network and CNN network.

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure
BP Network

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

CNN Network

The hidden layers, convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers in the figure all exist in reality, stacked layer by layer, which is easy to understand spatially. Therefore, when writing code, you basically look at the diagram to write the code. For example, using Keras:

# Sample code, no actual meaning
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu'))  # Add convolutional layer
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))         # Add pooling layer
model.add(Dropout(0.25))                          # Add dropout layer

model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu'))  # Add convolutional layer
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))         # Add pooling layer
model.add(Dropout(0.25))                          # Add dropout layer
....   # Add other convolution operations
model.add(Flatten())                            # Flatten 3D array to 2D array
model.add(Dense(256, activation='relu'))        # Add a regular fully connected layer
model.add(Dense(10, activation='softmax'))
....  # Train the network

LSTM Networks

When we search for LSTM structures online, the most common image we see is the one below:

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

RNN Network

This is the classic structure diagram of the RNN recurrent neural network. LSTM is merely an improvement to the hidden layer node A, and the overall structure remains unchanged. Therefore, this article also discusses the visualization of this structure.

The A node in the hidden layer indicates that the left side represents an LSTM network with only one hidden layer. The so-called LSTM recurrent neural network utilizes cycles along the time axis, which is expanded into the right diagram when unfolded over the time axis.

Looking at the left diagram, many students believe that LSTM has a single input and single output, with only one hidden neuron in the network structure. However, looking at the right diagram, they think LSTM has multiple inputs and outputs, with multiple hidden neurons. The number of A represents the number of hidden layer nodes.

What the hell? It’s hard to switch thinking! This is the traditional network and spatial structure thinking.

In reality, in the right diagram, we see Xt representing the sequence, where the subscript t is the time axis. Therefore, the number of A indicates the length of the time axis, which is the state of the same neuron at different times (Ht), not the number of hidden layer neurons.

We know that the LSTM network uses the information from the previous moment, combined with the input information from the current moment, for joint training.

For example, on the first day, I got sick (initial state H0), then took medicine (using input information X1 to train the network), on the second day, I improved but was not completely well (H1), took medicine again (X2), and my condition improved (H2), and so forth until I recovered. Thus, the input Xt is taking medicine, the time axis T is the number of days taking medicine, and the hidden layer state is the condition. Therefore, I am still me, just in different states.

In fact, the LSTM network looks like this:

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

LSTM Network Structure

The above diagram represents an LSTM network with 2 hidden layers. At time T=1, it looks like a regular BP network, and at time T=2, it also appears as a regular BP network. However, the hidden layer information H and C trained at T=1 will be passed to the next moment T=2, as shown in the diagram below. The five arrows pointing to the right in the diagram also indicate the transmission of hidden layer states along the time axis.

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

Note that in the diagram, H represents the hidden layer state, and C is the forget gate, which will be explained later in terms of their dimensions.

LSTM Input Structure

To better understand the LSTM structure, it is also necessary to understand the data input situation of LSTM. Following the example of a 3-channel image, the multi-sample, multi-feature data cube at different times with the time axis is shown in the diagram below:

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

Three-Dimensional Data Cube

The diagram on the right shows the input format for commonly used models, such as XGBOOST, LightGBM, decision trees, etc., where the input data format is typically a (N*F) matrix. The left side, however, represents the data cube with the time axis added, which is a slice along the time axis, with dimensions (N*T*F). The first dimension is the number of samples, the second dimension is time, and the third dimension is the number of features, as shown in the diagram below:

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

Such data cubes are abundant. For example, in weather forecasting data, samples can be understood as cities, the time axis is dates, and the features are weather-related factors such as rainfall, wind speed, PM2.5, etc. This data cube is easy to understand. In NLP, a sentence can be embedded into a matrix, where the order of words is the time axis T, and the embedding of multiple sentences can be represented as a three-dimensional matrix as shown below:

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

LSTM in PyTorch
4.1 LSTM Model Defined in PyTorch
The parameters of the LSTM model defined in PyTorch are as follows:
class torch.nn.LSTM(*args, **kwargs)
# Parameters:
# input_size: feature dimension of x
# hidden_size: feature dimension of the hidden layer
# num_layers: number of LSTM hidden layers, default is 1
# bias: If False, then bihbih=0 and bhhbhh=0. Default is True
# batch_first: If True, the input and output data format is (batch, seq, feature)
# dropout: Dropout is applied to the output of each layer except the last, default is 0
# bidirectional: If True, it is a bidirectional LSTM, default is False
Combining with the previous diagrams, let’s take a look one by one.
(1) input_size: The feature dimension of x, which corresponds to F in the data cube. In NLP, it is the length of the vector after embedding a word, as shown in the diagram below:
Visualizing LSTM Model Structure
(2) hidden_size: The feature dimension of the hidden layer (number of hidden layer neurons), as shown in the diagram below, we have two hidden layers, and the feature dimension of each hidden layer is 5. Note that the output dimension of a non-bidirectional LSTM equals the feature dimension of the hidden layer.
Visualizing LSTM Model Structure
(3) num_layers: The number of LSTM hidden layers, as shown in the above diagram, we defined 2 hidden layers.
(4) batch_first: Used to define the input and output dimensions, which will be discussed later.
(5) bidirectional: Whether it is a bidirectional recurrent neural network. The following diagram shows a bidirectional recurrent neural network. Therefore, when using a bidirectional LSTM, I need to pay special attention to the fact that during forward propagation, there are (Ht, Ct), and during backward propagation, there are also (Ht’, Ct’). As mentioned earlier, the output dimension of a non-bidirectional LSTM equals the feature dimension of the hidden layer, while the output dimension of a bidirectional LSTM is hidden layer feature count * 2, and the dimensions of H and C are time axis length * 2.
Visualizing LSTM Model Structure
4.2 Data Format Fed to LSTM
The default input data format for LSTM in PyTorch is as follows:
input(seq_len, batch, input_size)
# Parameters:
# seq_len: sequence length, in NLP it is the sentence length, usually padded with pad_sequence
# batch: the number of data entries fed to the network at once, in NLP it is how many sentences are fed to the network at once
# input_size: feature dimension, consistent with the input_size defined in the network structure.
It was also mentioned earlier that if the LSTM parameter batch_first=True, then the required input format is:
input(batch, seq_len, input_size)
This just swaps the first two parameters. This is actually a relatively easy-to-understand data form. Below, I will explain how to construct the LSTM input using embedding vectors in NLP.
Previously, our embedding matrix was as shown in the diagram:

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

If we place the batch first, the three-dimensional matrix form is as follows:

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

The transformation process is shown in the diagram below:

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

Did you understand? This is the format of the input data, isn’t it simple?
The other two inputs of LSTM are h0 and c0, which can be understood as the network’s initialization parameters, which can be generated randomly.
h0(num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
c0(num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
# Parameters:
# num_layers: number of hidden layers
# num_directions: if it is a unidirectional recurrent network, then num_directions=1, if bidirectional then num_directions=2
# batch: batch of input data
# hidden_size: number of hidden layer neurons
Note that if we define the input format as:
input(batch, seq_len, input_size)
Then the format for H and C must also change:
h0(batch, num_layers * num_directions, hidden_size)
c0(batch, num_layers * num_directions, hidden_size)
4.3 LSTM Output Format
The output of LSTM is a tuple as follows:
output, (ht, ct) = net(input)
# output: output of the hidden layer neurons at the last state
# ht: state value of the hidden layer at the last state
# ct: forget gate value of the hidden layer at the last state
The default dimensions of the output are:
output(seq_len, batch, hidden_size * num_directions)
ht(num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
ct(num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
Similar to the input situation, if we define the input format as:
input(batch, seq_len, input_size)
Then the formats for ht and ct must also change:
ht(batch, num_layers * num_directions, hidden_size)
ct(batch, num_layers * num_directions, hidden_size)
After discussing so much, let’s go back and see where ht and ct are. Please look at the diagram below:
Visualizing LSTM Model Structure
Where is the output? Please look at the diagram below:
Visualizing LSTM Model Structure
LSTM Combined with Other Networks
Do you remember? The dimension of the output equals the number of hidden layer neurons, which is hidden_size. In some time series predictions, a fully connected layer is often connected after the output, with the input dimension of the fully connected layer equal to LSTM’s hidden_size, and then the subsequent network processing is the same as a BP network, as shown in the diagram below:

Visualizing LSTM Model Structure

Implementing the above structure using PyTorch:

import torch
from torch import nn
class RegLSTM(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(RegLSTM, self).__init__()
        # Define LSTM
        self.rnn = nn.LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, hidden_num_layers)
        # Define regression layer, input feature dimension equals LSTM output, output dimension is 1
        self.reg = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(hidden_size, 1)
    def forward(self, x):
        x, (ht, ct) = self.rnn(x)
        seq_len, batch_size, hidden_size = x.shape
        x = y.view(-1, hidden_size)
        x = self.reg(x)
        x = x.view(seq_len, batch_size, -1)
        return x
Of course, some models take the output as the input for another LSTM, or use the information from the hidden layers ht and ct for modeling, and so on.

Reference Links:

Editor: Wang Jing

Proofread: Lin YilinVisualizing LSTM Model Structure

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