Enhancing RAG Performance with LangChain and LangGraph

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Enhancing RAG Performance with LangChain and LangGraph


The Two Core Concepts of LangChain

1、Process-Oriented Architecture Design of Chains:Programs written based on large models that follow predefined steps and rules, which cannot be flexibly adjusted, used for executing tasks like: automatic SQL writing or multi-turn dialogue, etc.
2、Goal-Oriented Architecture Design of Agents:Based on the reasoning capability of large models, planning for tasks, and then using third-party tools (such as search tools, code interpreters, business APIs, etc.) to complete the execution of planned sub-tasks. The entire process of Agents is more flexible, dynamically planning, acting, and providing feedback based on user prompts.
Enhancing RAG Performance with LangChain and LangGraph
Currently, due to certain hallucinations in the reasoning capability of large models, to handle real-world problems more robustly, a common practical solution is to find a solution that lies between Chains and Agents. That is, not hard-coded like Chains, but also not completely driven by large models like Agents.
LangGraph was born to solve such problems!


LangGraph Architecture Design

LangGraph is centered around LangChain, used for creating a development framework for cyclic graphs in workflows.

Enhancing RAG Performance with LangChain and LangGraph

Let’s look at the following requirement:

You want to build a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) system on a knowledge base. Now, you want to introduce a situation: if the RAG retrieval output does not meet specific quality requirements, the agent/chain should re-retrieve data and rewrite the prompt. Repeat this process until the retrieved data meets the quality threshold.

Using LangGraph can achieve this cyclic logic. Of course, using LangGraph can do much more.
In short, LangGraph can be seen as introducing cyclic logic into chains, making it a cyclic chain.
LangGraph is crucial for building multi-agent applications like AutoGen or MetaGPT.


Improving RAG with LangGraph

In the following example, we want to reduce the final output of the RAG retrieval system in the vector database to no more than 30 characters. If the output length exceeds 30 characters, we want to introduce a loop and try again with different prompts until the length is less than 30 characters. Of course, this is just a basic logic for demonstration purposes. You can implement more complex business logic to improve RAG’s retrieval results based on specific business scenarios.
The architecture design based on LangGraph is shown below:

Enhancing RAG Performance with LangChain and LangGraph

Based on the above architecture diagram, the detailed code implementation is as follows:

3.1、Initialize the large model. Here, we use the OpenAI API, but other large models can also be used.

from typing import Dict, TypedDict, Optional
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, END
from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma
from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings

llm = OpenAI(openai_api_key='your API')

3.2、Define a StateGraph, which is the graph object of LangGraph.

class GraphState(TypedDict):
    question: Optional[str] = None
    classification: Optional[str] = None
    response: Optional[str] = None
    length: Optional[int] = None
    greeting: Optional[str] = None

workflow = StateGraph(GraphState)

3.3、Initialize a RAG retrieval chain from the existing vector database.

def retriever_qa_creation():
        embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()
        db = Chroma(embedding_function=embeddings,persist_directory='/database',collection_name='details')
        qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm=llm, chain_type="stuff", retriever=db.as_retriever())
        return qa

rag_chain = retriever_qa_creation()

3.4、We will add nodes to this StateGraph.

def classify(question):
    return llm("classify intent of given input as greeting or not_greeting. Output just the class.Input:{}".format(question)).strip()

def classify_input_node(state):
    question = state.get('question', '').strip()
    classification = classify(question) 
    return {"classification": classification}

def handle_greeting_node(state):
    return {"greeting": "Hello! How can I help you today?"}

def handle_RAG(state):
    question = state.get('question', '').strip()
    prompt = question
    if state.get("length") < 30:
         search_result = rag_chain.run(prompt)
         search_result = rag_chain.run(prompt+'. Return total count only.')

    return {"response": search_result,"length":len(search_result)}

def bye(state):
    return{"greeting":"The graph has finished"}

workflow.add_node("classify_input", classify_input_node)
workflow.add_node("handle_greeting", handle_greeting_node)
workflow.add_node("handle_RAG", handle_RAG)
workflow.add_node("bye", bye)
  • Use state.get() to read any state variable.

  • The handle_RAG node helps implement the cyclic custom logic we want. If the output length < 30, use prompt A; otherwise, use prompt B. For the first case (when the RAG node has not yet been executed), we will pass length=0 and provide a prompt.

3.5、We will add entry points and edges.

workflow.add_edge('handle_greeting', END)
workflow.add_edge('bye', END)

3.6、 We add conditional edges.

def decide_next_node(state):
    return "handle_greeting" if state.get('classification') == "greeting" else "handle_RAG"

def check_RAG_length(state):
    return "handle_RAG" if state.get("length") > 30 else "bye"

        "handle_greeting": "handle_greeting",
        "handle_RAG": "handle_RAG"

        "bye": "bye",
        "handle_RAG": "handle_RAG"

3.7、Compile and invoke the prompt. Initially, keep the length variable set to 0.

app = workflow.compile()
app.invoke({'question':'Mehul developed which projects?','length':0})
# Output
{'question': 'Mehul developed which projects?',
 'classification': 'not_greeting',
 'response': ' 4',
 'length': 2,
 'greeting': 'The graph has finished'}

For the above prompt multiple times, the LangGraph flow is as follows:

classify_input: The sentiment will be not_greeting.

Due to the first conditional edge, move to handle_RAG.

Since length=0, use the first prompt and retrieve the answer (total length will be greater than 30).

Due to the second conditional edge, move again to handle_RAG.

Since length > 30, use the second prompt.

Due to the second conditional edge, move to bye.


To help students thoroughly master the architectural design application of LangChain and LangGraph, I will hold a live broadcast tonight at 8 PM to deeply analyze it with students. Please click the followingappointment button to make a free appointment.


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Enhancing RAG Performance with LangChain and LangGraph

Enhancing RAG Performance with LangChain and LangGraph

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Enhancing RAG Performance with LangChain and LangGraph

Reference: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Qxnny8ZHA_yG_XLQJm_QKg


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