Open Source WebRTC SFU Server Umbrella for OpenWrt Routers

Open Source WebRTC SFU Server Umbrella for OpenWrt Routers

There are various open-source deployment methods for WebRTC servers. However, there are still not many forwarding use cases implemented through routers for different terminals. Umbrella represents an innovative scenario. It is an optimized proof-of-concept version of a WebRTC SFU (Selective Forwarding Unit) that can run in various environments, such as on a local OpenWrt access … Read more

OpenAI Source Code Share! Develop Voice Agent in 20 Minutes

OpenAI Source Code Share! Develop Voice Agent in 20 Minutes

Click belowCard to follow “AI Generates Future“ How long does it take to develop a voice agent application prototype? 3 days? 5 days? OpenAI just shared a multi-level advanced AI agent developed based on the Realtime API, taking only 20 minutes! OpenAI has publicly released the source code on GitHub. Although it is just a … Read more