The framework and examples in this article are derived from the translation of https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2016/03/complete-guide-parameter-tuning-xgboost-with-codes-python/ and the content and code have been modified based on personal understanding. The examples in this article only handle training data and use five-fold cross-validation rate as the standard for measuring model performance. Code link: https://github.com/zhangleiszu/xgboost-
Simple Review of XGBoost Algorithm Principles
Advantages of XGBoost
Explanation of XGBoost Parameters
Parameter Tuning Example

booster [default = gbtree]
silent [default = 0]
When set to 0, it prints runtime information; when set to 1, it does not print runtime information.
Number of threads during XGBoost runtime, default is the maximum number of threads that can run on the current system.
Buffer size for prediction data, usually set to the size of the training samples. The buffer retains the prediction results after the last iteration, automatically set by the system.
Sets the feature dimension to construct the tree model, automatically set by the system.
eta [default = 0.3]

gamma [default = 0]
lambda [default = 1]
alpha [default = 0]
max_depth [default=6]
min_child_weight [default=1]
subsample [default=1]
Represents the random sampling of a certain proportion of samples to construct each tree. Reducing the proportion parameter subsample value makes the algorithm more conservative, avoiding overfitting.
Range: [0,1]
colsample_bytree, colsample_bylevel, colsample_bynode
These three parameters represent random sampling of features and have a cumulative effect.
colsample_bytree represents the proportion of features split for each tree.
colsample_bylevel represents the proportion of features split for each level of the tree.
colsample_bynode represents the proportion of features split for each node of the tree.
For example, if there are 64 features in total, setting {‘colsample_bytree’ : 0.5 , ‘colsample_bylevel’ : 0.5 , ‘colsample_bynode’ : 0.5 } means that 4 features are randomly sampled for splitting at each node of the tree.
Range: [0,1]
tree_method string [default = auto ]
Indicates the method for constructing the tree, specifically the algorithm for selecting split points, including greedy algorithm, approximate greedy algorithm, histogram algorithm.
exact: greedy algorithm
aprrox: approximate greedy algorithm, selecting quantiles of features for splitting.
hist: histogram splitting algorithm, which is also used by the LightGBM algorithm.
scale_pos_weight [default = 1]
When there is an imbalance between positive and negative samples, setting this parameter to a positive value can accelerate algorithm convergence.
Typical values can be set as: (number of negative samples)/(number of positive samples).
process_type [default = default]
default: normal boosting tree construction process.
update: build boosting trees from existing models.
4. Parameter Tuning Example

Steps 3, 4, and 5 follow the same parameter tuning ideas as Step 2, which will not be elaborated on here. Please refer to the code for understanding.