Multi-Object Tracking with PyTorch

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Today we introduce an open-source library for multi-object tracking implemented in PyTorch. Search for MOT tracking on Github, and this code ranks first, currently having 505 stars.

This code implements the well-known Deep SORT multi-object tracking algorithm. The original implementation by the algorithm’s author is based on TensorFlow, and the author has implemented the RE-ID (Re-Identification) module in PyTorch, replacing the object detection model from Faster RCNN to YOLOv3.

The author provides pre-trained models, but if you want to train your own RE-ID model, that is also supported.

Multi-Object Tracking with PyTorch

Example of running results:

Multi-Object Tracking with PyTorch

The author’s results in the video:

The effect looks quite good, and everyone can try it out!

Code address:

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Multi-Object Tracking with PyTorch

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Multi-Object Tracking with PyTorch

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