Technical Column
Author: Yang Hangfeng
Editor: Zhang Nimei
1.Word2Vec Overview
Word2Vec is simply a method of representing the semantic information of words through learning from text and using word vectors, that is, mapping the original word space to a new space through Embedding, so that semantically similar words are close to each other in this space.
Based on traditional neural networks, the neural probabilistic language model suffers mainly from excessive computational load, particularly in the matrix operations between the hidden layer and the output layer, as well as the Softmax normalization operations on the output layer.
Thus, is designed to optimize the neural probabilistic language model for these two issues. The two important models in
are CBOW model and Skip-gram model. For these two models,
provides two frameworks based on Hierarchical Softmax and Negative Sampling for design, and this article focuses on the first type.
2.CBOW Model
2.1 Network Structure Based on Hierarchical Softmax
CBOW stands for Continuous bag-of-words, which includes three layers: input layer, projection layer, and output layer.
1.Input Layer: contains the word vectors of 2c words in Context(w)
where n represents the length of the word vector.
2.Projection Layer: sums the 2c vectors from the input layer.
3.Output Layer: corresponds to a tree, which is constructed with the words appearing in the corpus as leaf nodes and their occurrence counts in the corpus as weights. In this
tree, there are N(=|D|) leaf nodes corresponding to the words in the dictionary D, and N-1 non-leaf nodes (the yellow nodes in the figure).
2.2 Gradient Calculation
To facilitate the description of the problem later, we first provide a unified explanation of the symbols used in the model:
: the path from the root node to the corresponding leaf node
: the path from the root node to the corresponding leaf node
: the path
nodes, where
represents the root node, and
represents the word
corresponding node;
, where
: the word
corresponds to a
encoding, which consists of
bits encoding, where
represents the encoding of the node corresponding to the
node in the
path (the root node does not correspond to an encoding);
where represents the vector corresponding to the non-leaf node in the path
Thus, the idea of is that for any word in the dictionary
, there must be a unique path from the root node to the corresponding leaf node in the tree. This path has
branches, and each branch can be seen as a binary classification, so each classification corresponds to a probability. Finally, multiplying these probabilities together gives
Where , through log-likelihood maximization, the objective function of the
model is:
The algorithm used to maximize the objective function is Stochastic Gradient Ascent. First, consider the gradient calculation of
with respect to
Therefore, the update formula for is:
Next, consider the gradient calculation of with respect to
If we observe that and
have symmetry, then it would be easier to calculate the corresponding gradient. Since
represents the sum of all word vectors in
, how to update each component
? The approach is very straightforward, simply taking
2.3 CBOW Model Update Pseudocode
3.Skip-gram Model
3.1 Network Structure Based on Hierarchical Softmax
Similar to model, the
model also includes three layers: input layer, projection layer, and output layer:
Input Layer: contains only the word vector of the center word
for the current sample
Projection Layer: This layer is an identity projection, which can actually be optional. It is just for convenience and comparison with the
model’s network structure.
3.Output Layer: Like the model, the output layer is also a
3.2 Gradient Calculation
For the model, it is known that the current word
needs to predict the words in its context
. Therefore, the key is to construct the conditional probability function
. In the
model, it is defined as:
In the above formula, can be compared to the idea introduced in the previous section
. Therefore, we have:
Through log-likelihood maximization, the objective function of the model is:
First, consider with respect to

3.3 Skip-gram Model Update Pseudocode
4. Summary
Word2Vec fundamentally transforms each word in natural language into a unified meaning and dimension word vector. Only by converting natural language into vector form can we build related algorithms on top of it. As for the specific meaning of each dimension in the vector, it is unknown and unnecessary to know. As the saying goes, it is mysterious and profound!
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