Modularity: Independent agents make it easier to develop, test, and maintain the agent system. -
Specialization: Expert agents focused on specific domains can be created, which helps improve the overall system performance. -
Control: Clear control over how agents communicate can be established (rather than relying on function calls).

In a multi-agent system, there are various ways to connect agents:
- Network: Each agent can communicate with other agents, and any agent can decide which agent to call next.
- Supervisor: Each agent communicates with a single supervisor agent. The supervisor agent decides which agent should be called next.
- Supervisor (Tool Call): This is a specific case of the supervisor architecture. A single agent can be represented as a tool. In this case, the supervisor agent uses tool calls to determine which agent tools to call and what parameters to pass to those agents.
- Hierarchy: We can define a multi-agent system with multiple supervisors. This generalizes the supervisor architecture, allowing for more complex control flows.
- Custom Multi-Agent Workflow: Each agent communicates only with a subset of agents. Certain parts of the process are deterministic, and only some agents can decide which other agents to call next.
from langgraph.constants import END
from typing_extensions import Literal
from langchain_core.tools import tool
from langgraph.graph import MessagesState, StateGraph, START
from langgraph.types import Command
from langchain_core.messages import SystemMessage, ToolMessage
from langchain_ollama import ChatOllama
import base_conf
model = ChatOllama(base_url=base_conf.base_url, model=base_conf.model_name, temperature=0)
# The following two tools do not return any content:
# We just use them as prompts: to let the LLM know it needs to hand off to another agent
def transfer_to_multiplication_expert(): """Request help from the multiplication expert.""" return
def transfer_to_addition_expert(): """Request help from the addition expert.""" return
# The following two nodes represent the addition expert and multiplication expert
def addition_expert(state: MessagesState) -> Command[Literal["multiplication_expert", END]]:
system_prompt = (
"You are an addition expert, and you can request the multiplication expert's help for multiplication."
"Always complete your part of the calculation before handing off."
messages = [SystemMessage(content=system_prompt)] + state["messages"]
ai_msg = model.bind_tools([transfer_to_multiplication_expert, transfer_to_addition_expert]).invoke(messages)
# First, it goes to addition here, and the ai_msg returns a tool_call
# If there is a tool call, the LLM needs to hand off to another agent
if len(ai_msg.tool_calls) > 0:
# Here, why does the official tutorial always use -1? Because the tool_call_id is a list, so -1 is the last one
# Is it possible for the list to have multiple entries? Yes, if the prompt is modified and multiple tools are passed in, the ai_msg will return multiple tool_calls
# Therefore, in actual development, pay attention to this issue
tool_call_id = ai_msg.tool_calls[-1]["id"]
# Note: Inserting ToolMessage here is important because the LLM provider expects all AI messages to have corresponding tool result messages
tool_msg = ToolMessage(content="Transfer successful", tool_call_id=tool_call_id)
return Command(
# After the above processing, when reaching multiplication_expert, the input parameters have been changed to those needed for multiplication after addition,
# That is, the original addition part has already been calculated: 8 * 12
goto="multiplication_expert", update={"messages": [ai_msg, tool_msg]} )
# If the expert has an answer, return it directly to the user
return Command(goto=END, update={"messages": [ai_msg]})
def multiplication_expert(state: MessagesState) -> Command[Literal["addition_expert", END]]:
system_prompt = (
"You are a multiplication expert, and you can request the addition expert's help for addition."
"Always complete your part of the calculation before handing off."
messages = [SystemMessage(content=system_prompt)] + state["messages"]
# When here with the 8*12 AI message, the ai_msg's final tool_call is
# empty, as it has already provided the result.
ai_msg = model.bind_tools([transfer_to_addition_expert]).invoke(messages)
if len(ai_msg.tool_calls) > 0:
tool_call_id = ai_msg.tool_calls[-1]["id"]
tool_msg = ToolMessage(content="Transfer successful", tool_call_id=tool_call_id)
return Command(goto="addition_expert", update={"messages": [ai_msg, tool_msg]})
# Here, it directly returns the result
return Command(goto=END, update={"messages": [ai_msg]})
builder = StateGraph(MessagesState)
builder.add_node("addition_expert", addition_expert)
builder.add_node("multiplication_expert", multiplication_expert)
# We always start from the addition expert
builder.add_edge(START, "addition_expert")
graph = builder.compile()
from langchain_core.messages import convert_to_messages
def pretty_print_messages(update):
if isinstance(update, tuple):
ns, update = update
# Skip parent graph updates in print output
if len(ns) == 0:
graph_id = ns[-1].split(":")[0]
print(f"Update from subgraph {graph_id}:")
for node_name, node_update in update.items():
print(f"Update from node {node_name}:")
for m in convert_to_messages(node_update["messages"]):
# Let's run the graph
for chunk in graph.stream({"messages": [("user", "what's (3 + 5) * 12")]},):
Update from node addition_expert:
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls: transfer_to_multiplication_expert (3e43e7c6-5ca4-433e-9a0e-e3a6f7913109) Call ID: 3e43e7c6-5ca4-433e-9a0e-e3a6f7913109 Args: expression: 8 * 12================================= Tool Message =================================
Transfer successful
Update from node multiplication_expert:
================================== Ai Message ==================================
The result of (3 + 5) * 12 is 96.