Mastering LangGraph: Controllability 01

Mastering LangGraph: Controllability 01
LangGraph provides a high level of control over the execution of charts.

How to Create Parallel Execution Branches

The parallel execution of nodes is crucial for speeding up overall graph operations. LangGraph offers native support for parallel execution of nodes, which can significantly enhance the performance of graph-based workflows. This parallelization is achieved through fan-out and fan-in mechanisms, utilizing standard edges and conditional edges.
Mastering LangGraph: Controllability 01
pip install -U langgraph
Parallel Node Fan-Out and Fan-In

In this example, we fan out from node A to nodes B and C, then fan in to node D. Through our state, we specify the Reducer add operation.

This will merge or accumulate the value of a specific key in the state, rather than simply overwriting the existing value. For lists, this means joining the new list with the existing list.

Note that LangGraph uses Annotated types to specify the Reducer function for specific keys in the State: it maintains the original type (list) for type checking but allows the Reducer function (add) to be appended to that type without changing the type itself.

import operator
from typing import Annotated, Any
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, START, END

class State(TypedDict):
    # operator.add reducer fn to only support append
    aggregate: Annotated[list, operator.add]

class ReturnNodeValue:
    def __init__(self, node_secret: str):
        self._value = node_secret
    def __call__(self, state: State) -> Any:
        print(f"Adding {self._value} to {state['aggregate']}")
        return {"aggregate": [self._value]}

builder = StateGraph(State)
builder.add_node("a", ReturnNodeValue("I'm A"))
builder.add_edge(START, "a")
builder.add_node("b", ReturnNodeValue("I'm B"))
builder.add_node("c", ReturnNodeValue("I'm C"))
builder.add_node("d", ReturnNodeValue("I'm D"))
builder.add_edge("a", "b")
builder.add_edge("a", "c")
builder.add_edge("b", "d")
builder.add_edge("c", "d")
builder.add_edge("d", END)
graph = builder.compile()
The structure is shown in the figure below

Mastering LangGraph: Controllability 01

Through the reducer, you can see that the values added in each node are accumulated.
print(graph.invoke({"aggregate": []}, {"configurable": {"thread_id": "foo"}}))
Adding I'm A to []
Adding I'm B to ["I'm A"]
Adding I'm C to ["I'm A"]
Adding I'm D to ["I'm A", "I'm B", "I'm C"]
{'aggregate': ["I'm A", "I'm B", "I'm C", "I'm D"]}
Parallel Node Fan-Out and Fan-In with Additional Steps

The above example demonstrates how to fan out and fan in when each path has only one step. But what if a path has multiple steps?

Everything else remains the same, only the construction of the graph changes:

builder = StateGraph(State)
builder.add_node("a", ReturnNodeValue("I'm A"))
builder.add_edge(START, "a")
builder.add_node("b", ReturnNodeValue("I'm B"))
builder.add_node("b2", ReturnNodeValue("I'm B2"))
builder.add_node("c", ReturnNodeValue("I'm C"))
builder.add_node("d", ReturnNodeValue("I'm D"))
builder.add_edge("a", "b")
builder.add_edge("a", "c")
builder.add_edge("b", "b2")
builder.add_edge(["b2", "c"], "d")
builder.add_edge("d", END)
graph = builder.compile()
print(graph.invoke({"aggregate": []}))
As shown in the figure below
Mastering LangGraph: Controllability 01
Adding I'm A to []
Adding I'm B to ["I'm A"]
Adding I'm C to ["I'm A"]
Adding I'm B2 to ["I'm A", "I'm B", "I'm C"]
Adding I'm D to ["I'm A", "I'm B", "I'm C", "I'm B2"]
{'aggregate': ["I'm A", "I'm B", "I'm C", "I'm B2", "I'm D"]}
From here we can basically conclude:
LangGraph will automatically handle the parallel processing of node flows that can be parallelized without requiring us to specify it manually, as the graph’s nature is a directed acyclic graph, so whether a node flow can be parallelized can be fully inferred.
Conditional Branching
If the fan-out is uncertain, you can directly use the add_conditional_edges function.
If there is a known “sink” node that the conditional branch will route to, then you can provide then= when creating the conditional edge.
class State(TypedDict):
    aggregate: Annotated[list, operator.add]  # New property added
    which: str

class ReturnNodeValue:
    def __init__(self, node_secret: str):
        self._value = node_secret
    def __call__(self, state: State) -> Any:
        print(f"Adding {self._value} to {state['aggregate']}")
        return {"aggregate": [self._value]}

builder = StateGraph(State)
builder.add_node("a", ReturnNodeValue("I'm A"))
builder.add_edge(START, "a")
builder.add_node("b", ReturnNodeValue("I'm B"))
builder.add_node("c", ReturnNodeValue("I'm C"))
builder.add_node("d", ReturnNodeValue("I'm D"))
builder.add_node("e", ReturnNodeValue("I'm E"))

# Route function to determine which branch to take
def route_bc_or_cd(state: State) -> Sequence[str]:
    if state["which"] == "cd":
        return ["c", "d"]
    return ["b", "c"]

intermediates = ["b", "c", "d"]
for node in intermediates:
    builder.add_edge(node, "e")
builder.add_edge("e", END)
graph = builder.compile()
print(graph.invoke({"aggregate": [], "which": "bc"}))
Adding I'm A to []
Adding I'm B to ["I'm A"]
Adding I'm C to ["I'm A"]
Adding I'm E to ["I'm A", "I'm B", "I'm C"]
{'aggregate': ["I'm A", "I'm B", "I'm C", "I'm E"], 'which': 'bc'}
The process is shown in the figure below
Mastering LangGraph: Controllability 01

The dashed lines along the way indicate possible routes, while solid lines indicate mandatory routes.

Stable Sorting

Normally, after fanning out, nodes will run in parallel as a single “super step”. Once the super step is completed, each super step’s updates will be applied to the state in order.

If we need to consistently and predictably sort updates from parallel super steps, we should write the output (along with an identifying key) into a separate field in the state,

Then, by adding the regular edges of each fan-out node to the convergence point, they can be combined at the “sink” node. Suppose I want to sort the outputs of parallel steps by “reliability”.
import operator
from typing import Annotated, Sequence, Any
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, END, START

def reduce_fanouts(left, right):
    if left is None:
        left = []
    if not right:
        # Overwrite
        return []
    return left + right

class State(TypedDict):
    aggregate: Annotated[list, operator.add]
    fanout_values: Annotated[list, reduce_fanouts]
    which: str

class ReturnNodeValue:
    def __init__(self, node_secret: str):
        self._value = node_secret
    def __call__(self, state: State) -> Any:
        print(f"Adding {self._value} to {state['aggregate']} in parallel.")
        return {
            "fanout_values": [
                    "value": [self._value],
                    "reliability": self._reliability,

builder = StateGraph(State)
builder.add_node("a", ReturnNodeValue("I'm A"))
builder.add_edge(START, "a")

class ParallelReturnNodeValue:
    def __init__(self,
            node_secret: str,
            reliability: float,
        self._value = node_secret
        # Assume we want to sort by reliability
        self._reliability = reliability
    def __call__(self, state: State) -> Any:
        print(f"Adding {self._value} to {state['aggregate']} in parallel.")
        return {
            "fanout_values": [
                    "value": [self._value],
                    "reliability": self._reliability,

builder.add_node("b", ParallelReturnNodeValue("I'm B", reliability=0.9))
builder.add_node("c", ParallelReturnNodeValue("I'm C", reliability=0.1))
builder.add_node("d", ParallelReturnNodeValue("I'm D", reliability=0.3))

def aggregate_fanout_values(state: State) -> Any:
    # Sort by reliability
    ranked_values = sorted(
        state["fanout_values"], key=lambda x: x["reliability"], reverse=True
    return {
        "aggregate": [x["value"] for x in ranked_values] + ["I'm E"],
        "fanout_values": [],

# Finally aggregate here, the aggregation is sorted by reliability
builder.add_node("e", aggregate_fanout_values)
def route_bc_or_cd(state: State) -> Sequence[str]:
    if state["which"] == "cd":
        return ["c", "d"]
    return ["b", "c"]

intermediates = ["b", "c", "d"]
builder.add_conditional_edges("a", route_bc_or_cd, intermediates)
for node in intermediates:
    builder.add_edge(node, "e")
builder.add_edge("e", END)
graph = builder.compile()
print(graph.invoke({"aggregate": [], "fanout_values": [], "which": "bc"}))
As you can see, the e node serves not only its own node but also acts as a means to sort the final execution output.
Adding I'm A to []
Adding I'm B to ["I'm A"] in parallel.
Adding I'm C to ["I'm A"] in parallel.
{'aggregate': ["I'm A", ["I'm B"], ["I'm C"], "I'm E"], 'fanout_values': [], 'which': 'bc'}
Here, beginners might find this logic a bit difficult to understand; the overall flow of the graph is still the same as above, as shown below:
Mastering LangGraph: Controllability 01

From the code and the diagram, we can see that node a is the starting node, which then fans out into three subprocesses: one for b_e, one for c_e, and one for d_e. Since b, c, and d are executed concurrently, the control here actually refers to the order in which b, c, and d flow into e.

To put it more bluntly, it refers to which inputs e needs to receive first; at this point, the functions of nodes b, c, and d have already been completed, but for e, in some scenarios, we need to organize the completion of the tasks by b, c, and d. This is what is meant by stable sorting.

If you are interested, you can try it out yourself to deepen your understanding!

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