Local Installation of AgentGPT in Minutes

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Source: Hezhizheng
AgentGPT has been introduced before, its main function is to allow you to customize configuration deployment based on the functionality of ChatGPT. It will try to think and execute based on your commands, without needing to repeatedly send it instructions, and directly summarize the results for you.

Installation Steps

1. Download the source package

2. After extracting, copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env

3. Open the cmd command prompt and navigate to the current directory

4. Enter npm install to install project dependencies

5. Enter the prisma folder and double-click to run useSqlite.sh

6. Enter npx prisma db push and press enter to run

7. Then enter npm run dev to start the project
Before installing AgentGPT, we need to install Node.js version 18 or higher, download Node.js from https://nodejs.org/en, please search for the installation tutorial yourself.

Start Installing AgentGPT on Windows

1. Download the source package

GitHub link: https://github.com/reworkd/AgentGPT/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
Local Installation of AgentGPT in Minutes

2. Extract the source package and navigate to the extracted directory

Local Installation of AgentGPT in Minutes

3. Copy the .env.example in the folder and rename it to .env

Local Installation of AgentGPT in Minutes
4. In the directory, enter cmd to open the command prompt
Local Installation of AgentGPT in Minutes

5. Enter node -v, the version must be greater than 18 (as required in step 1 for Node.js installation)

Local Installation of AgentGPT in Minutes

6. Install project dependencies,enter the following commands

npm config set registry http://registry.npm.taobao.org
npm install

Local Installation of AgentGPT in Minutes

7. Enter the prisma folder and double-click to run useSqlite.sh, a window will appear, wait for it to complete execution

Local Installation of AgentGPT in Minutes

8. Finally, return to the cmd command prompt,enter the following commands to start the program

npx prisma db push
npm run dev

Local Installation of AgentGPT in Minutes

9. Open your browser and enter http://localhost:3000 to access the interface

Local Installation of AgentGPT in Minutes
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Local Installation of AgentGPT in Minutes

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