Getting Started with KNN in C Language for Machine Learning

I originally planned to work overtime for two days over the weekend, but suddenly other matters came up and were canceled.
By the way, I looked at CSDN and saw an article introducing KNN. Since I am also working in the field of machine learning, I naturally need to understand some of this part.
What is KNN?
KNN can be considered one of the simplest classification algorithms, and it is also one of the most commonly used classification algorithms. Note that the KNN algorithm is a classification algorithm in supervised learning. It looks a bit like another machine learning algorithm, Kmeans (which is an unsupervised learning algorithm), but there are essential differences. So what is the KNN algorithm? Let’s introduce it next.
Introduction to KNN Algorithm
The full name of KNN is K Nearest Neighbors, which means K nearest neighbors. From this name, we can see some clues about the KNN algorithm. The K nearest neighbors are undoubtedly crucial for the choice of K. So what about the nearest neighbors? Actually, the principle of KNN is that when predicting a new value x, it determines which category x belongs to based on the categories of the K nearest points. It sounds a bit convoluted; let’s take a look at the diagram.
Getting Started with KNN in C Language for Machine Learning
The green point in the diagram is the point we want to predict. Assuming K=3, the KNN algorithm will find the three points that are closest to it (circled here) and see which category is more prevalent. For example, in this case, there are more blue triangles, so the new green point is classified as a blue triangle.
Getting Started with KNN in C Language for Machine Learning
However, when K=5, the judgment changes. This time there are more red circles, so the new green point is classified as a red circle. From this example, we can see that the choice of K is very important.
After understanding the basic principle, let’s talk about some details, mainly two things: the selection of K value and the calculation of point distances.
Distance Calculation
To measure the distance between points in space, there are several measurement methods, such as the commonly used Manhattan distance and Euclidean distance calculations. However, the KNN algorithm usually uses Euclidean distance. Here, we’ll just briefly mention that for two points in a two-dimensional plane, the formula for calculating Euclidean distance is as follows:
Getting Started with KNN in C Language for Machine Learning
This should have been encountered in high school; it is essentially calculating the distance between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). When extended to multi-dimensional space, the formula becomes:
Getting Started with KNN in C Language for Machine Learning
Thus, we understand how to calculate distances. The most straightforward way for the KNN algorithm is to calculate the distance from the prediction point to all points, then save and sort them, and select the top K values to see which categories are more prevalent. However, some data structures can assist with this, such as a max heap; we won’t go into detail here, but you can search for knowledge about max heap data structures if you’re interested.
Choosing the K Value
From the previous diagram, we know that the choice of K is quite important. So how do we determine what value of K is good? The answer is to use cross-validation (splitting the sample data into training and validation data at a certain ratio, such as 60:40, to create training and validation datasets). Start with a relatively small K value, continuously increase the value of K, and then calculate the variance of the validation set to ultimately find a suitable K value.
After calculating the variance through cross-validation, you will roughly get a graph like the one below:
Getting Started with KNN in C Language for Machine Learning
This graph is quite easy to understand. When you increase K, the error rate generally decreases at first because there are more surrounding samples to refer to, improving classification accuracy. However, unlike K-means, when the K value gets larger, the error rate will increase. This is also easy to understand; for example, if you only have 35 samples, when K increases to 30, KNN basically becomes meaningless.
Therefore, when choosing K, you can select a relatively large critical K point. When it continues to increase or decrease, the error rate will rise, such as K=10 in the graph. The specific code for deriving the optimal K value will be introduced in the next section’s code example.
The following example uses the KNN method for a machine learning example
First, this example is implemented in C, and everyone can understand the code inside. Moreover, this is indeed related to machine learning. If you want to understand what machine learning is, you can start learning from this.
Getting Started with KNN in C Language for Machine Learning
The complete C code is as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

/* A handwritten number structure */
typedef struct {
    int pixel[1024];
    int number;
} SampleData;

/* A distance structure with label */
typedef struct {
    float distance;
    int number;
} CalculationData;

/* File path + name */
static const char* TrainingFilePath = "./my-digit-training.txt";
static const char* TestingFilePath  = "./my-digit-testing.txt";
static const char* CalculationFilePath  = "./my-digit-predict.txt";

/* Number of digits in each dataset */
#define TRAINING_SIZE 943
#define TEST_SIZE 196

/* Calculate distance */
float CalculateDistance(SampleData sample_01, SampleData sample_02) {
    int i, square_sum=0.0;
    for(i=0; i<1024; i++) {
        square_sum += pow(sample_01.pixel[i]-sample_02.pixel[i], 2.0);
    return sqrtf(square_sum);

/* Load data from file into memory */
int DataLoading(SampleData *pSampleDate_t, FILE *fp, int *pNumber) {
  int index=0;
  for(index = 0; index<1024; index++) {
      if(!fscanf(fp, "%d", &pSampleDate_t->pixel[index])) {
          printf("FILE already read finish.\n");
          return -true;

  fscanf(fp, "%d", &pSampleDate_t->number);
  *pNumber = pSampleDate_t->number;
  return true;

/* Display a Digit structure */
void ShowSampleDate(SampleData SampleData_t) {
  int i, j, id;
  for(i=0;i<32;i++) {
      for(j=0;j<32;j++) {
          printf("%d", SampleData_t.pixel[i*32+j]);
  printf(" %d \n", SampleData_t.number);

/* Swap two items in a string */
void IndexExchange(CalculationData *in, int index1, int index2) {
  CalculationData tmp = (CalculationData)in[index1];
  in[index1] = in[index2];
  in[index2] = tmp;

/* Selection sort */
void SelectSort(CalculationData *in, int length) {
  int i, j, min;
  int N = length;
  for(i=0; i<N-1; i++) {
    min = i;
    for(j=i+1;j<N;j++) {
        if(in[j].distance<in[min].distance) min = j;

/* Predict a digit using training data */
int DataForecast(int K, SampleData in, SampleData *train, int nt)
  int i, it;
  CalculationData distance[nt];
  /* Calculate the distance between the input digit and the training data */
  for(it=0; it<nt; it++) {
    distance[it].distance = CalculateDistance(in, train[it]);
    distance[it].number = train[it].number;
  /* Sort the calculated distances (selection sort) */
  int predict = 0;
  SelectSort(distance, nt);
  for(i=0; i<K; i++) {
    predict += distance[i].number;
  return (int)(predict/K);

/* Test the dataset with testing data */
void KnnDatasetClassification(int K)

  int i;
  FILE *fp;

  /* Read training data */
  int trainLabels[TRAINING_SIZE];
  int trainCount[TRAINING_COUNT] = {0};
  SampleData *pSampleTrain_t = (SampleData*)malloc(TRAINING_SIZE*sizeof(SampleData));
  fp = fopen(TrainingFilePath,"r");
  if (fp < 0) {
    printf("..Open %s Error.\n", TrainingFilePath);
  printf("..load training digits.\n");
  for(i=0; i<TRAINING_SIZE; i++) {
    DataLoading(&pSampleTrain_t[i], fp, &trainLabels[i]);

  /* Read testing data */
  int testLabels[TEST_SIZE];
  int testCount[TRAINING_COUNT] = {0};
  SampleData *pSampleDataTest_t = (SampleData*)malloc(TEST_SIZE*sizeof(SampleData));
  fp = fopen(TestingFilePath,"r");
  if (fp < 0) {
    printf("..Open %s Error.\n", TestingFilePath);
  printf("..load testing digits.\n");
  for(i=0;i<TEST_SIZE;i++) {
    DataLoading(&pSampleDataTest_t[i], fp, &testLabels[i]);

  /* Calculate the distance between testing data and training data */
  printf("..Cal CalculationData begin.\n");
  CalculationData Distance2Train[TRAINING_SIZE];
  int CorrectCount[TRAINING_COUNT] = {0};
  int itrain, itest, predict;
  for(itest=0; itest < TEST_SIZE; itest++) {
    predict = DataForecast(K, pSampleTrain_t[itest], pSampleTrain_t, TRAINING_SIZE);
    //printf("%d-%d\n",predict, Dtest[itest].number);

    /* Count the correctly predicted ones */
    if(predict == pSampleDataTest_t[itest].number) {

  /* Output the accuracy of testing data */
  printf("    Correct radio:   \n\n");
  for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
    printf("%d:  (  %2d / %2d ) =  %.2f%%\n",
/* Predict data */
void KnnPredict(int K) {
  int i;
  FILE *fp = NULL;

  /* Read training data */
  int trainLabels[TRAINING_SIZE];
  int trainCount[TRAINING_COUNT] = {0};
  SampleData *Dtrain = (SampleData*)malloc(TRAINING_SIZE*sizeof(SampleData));
  fp = fopen(TrainingFilePath,"r");
  printf("..load training digits.\n");

  for(i=0; i<TRAINING_SIZE; i++) {
      DataLoading(&Dtrain[i], fp, &trainLabels[i]);


  /* Read the data to be predicted */
  int predictLabels[CALCULATION_SIZE];
  int predictCount[TRAINING_COUNT] = {0};
  SampleData *Dpredict = (SampleData*)malloc(CALCULATION_SIZE*sizeof(SampleData));
  fp = fopen(CalculationFilePath,"r");
  printf("..load predict digits.\n");

  for(i=0;i<CALCULATION_SIZE;i++) {
      DataLoading(&Dpredict[i], fp, &predictLabels[i]);


  /* Calculate the distance between input data and training data */
  printf("..Cal CalculationData begin.\n");
  CalculationData Distance2Train[TRAINING_SIZE];
  int itrain, ipredict, predict;
  for(ipredict=0; ipredict<CALCULATION_SIZE; ipredict++) {
      predict = DataForecast(K, Dpredict[ipredict], Dtrain, TRAINING_SIZE);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  int K = 1;
  /* Test known data and count the prediction accuracy */
  /* Predict the location data */

  return 1;

The output of the code is as follows:

..load training digits.
..load testing digits.
..Cal CalculationData begin.
    Correct radio:   

0:  (   1 / 20 ) =  5.00%
1:  (   2 / 20 ) =  10.00%
2:  (   4 / 25 ) =  16.00%
3:  (   0 / 18 ) =  0.00%
4:  (   1 / 25 ) =  4.00%
5:  (   3 / 16 ) =  18.75%
6:  (   1 / 16 ) =  6.25%
7:  (   3 / 19 ) =  15.79%
8:  (   3 / 17 ) =  17.65%
9:  (   2 / 20 ) =  10.00%
..load training digits.
..load predict digits.
..Cal CalculationData begin.
The percentage output indicates the recognition accuracy for each different digit.
The final output is the result obtained when inputting a single example, which is completely consistent with the input sample.
The code will use three files: one is the training file, one is the testing file, and one is the single instance testing file.
Complete code download link:
Extraction code: 2hf9
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Getting Started with KNN in C Language for Machine Learning

Getting Started with KNN in C Language for Machine Learning

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