1. Manage Router
OpenStack manage router command
neutron manage router command
2. Create Router
Use neutron command: neutron router-create router name
For example: neutron router-create route-10
Use OpenStack command: openstack router create router name
For example: openstack router create router-10
The command feedback is too much, truncated and incomplete.
3. Create Router Gateway Interface
Creating a network interface completes the network link, and requires the prior establishment of network – subnet – router. Since these tasks have been completed earlier, let’s check the names using commands.
Check router names: openstack router list or neutron router-list
Check internal subnet names: neutron subnet-list
Check external network names: neutron net-external-list
Next, establish the gateway interface using the command neutron help | grep router to view the supported commands:
Create internal router interface:
Format: neutron subnet-create network name –name subnet name –gateway gateway address –allocation-pool start=starting IP address,end=ending IP addressnetwork address/subnet bits
For example:
neutron subnet-create in-net-01 –name subnet-in-net-01 –gateway –allocation-pool start=,end=
Create external router interface:
1)neutron net-createnetwork name –router external=TRUE
2)neutron subnet-create network name –name subnet name –gateway gateway address –allocation-pool start=starting IP address,end=ending IP addressnetwork address/subnet bits
For example:
neutron subnet-create out-net-01 –name subnet-out-net-01 –gateway –allocation-pool start=,end=
–disable –dhcp
View in the web interface