Creating Neutron Router in OpenStack

1. Manage Router

OpenStack manage router command

Creating Neutron Router in OpenStack

neutron manage router command

Creating Neutron Router in OpenStack

2. Create Router

Use neutron command: neutron router-create router name

For example: neutron router-create route-10

Creating Neutron Router in OpenStack

Use OpenStack command: openstack router create router name

For example: openstack router create router-10

Creating Neutron Router in OpenStack

The command feedback is too much, truncated and incomplete.

3. Create Router Gateway Interface

Creating a network interface completes the network link, and requires the prior establishment of network – subnet – router. Since these tasks have been completed earlier, let’s check the names using commands.

Check router names: openstack router list or neutron router-list

Creating Neutron Router in OpenStack

Check internal subnet names: neutron subnet-list

Creating Neutron Router in OpenStack

Check external network names: neutron net-external-list

Creating Neutron Router in OpenStack

Next, establish the gateway interface using the command neutron help | grep router to view the supported commands:

Creating Neutron Router in OpenStack

Create internal router interface:

Format: neutron subnet-create network name –name subnet name –gateway gateway address –allocation-pool start=starting IP address,end=ending IP addressnetwork address/subnet bits

For example:

neutron subnet-create in-net-01 –name subnet-in-net-01 –gateway –allocation-pool start=,end=

Create external router interface:


1)neutron net-createnetwork name –router external=TRUE

2)neutron subnet-create network name –name subnet name –gateway gateway address –allocation-pool start=starting IP address,end=ending IP addressnetwork address/subnet bits

For example:

neutron subnet-create out-net-01 –name subnet-out-net-01 –gateway –allocation-pool start=,end=

–disable –dhcp

View in the web interface

Creating Neutron Router in OpenStack

Creating Neutron Router in OpenStack

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