Complete Guide to Training Word2Vec with Chinese Wikipedia on Windows (Part 1)

A crucial step in training a chatbot is word vector training. Whether it’s a generative chatbot or a retrieval-based chatbot, it is necessary to convert text into word vectors. The most popular word vector training model nowadays is Word2Vec. Today, I will guide you through training word vectors using Chinese Wikipedia.

Training Data Download

We will use Chinese Wikipedia to train word vectors. The download link for Wikipedia data is: After downloading, there’s no need to extract it; the compressed file of the Chinese Wikipedia data is relatively small, only about 1GB.

Installing Dependencies

After downloading the data, there are existing programs online to extract the XML. I found a Python file for parsing XML, named However, it needs to be modified; change output = open(outp, ‘w’) to output = open(outp, ‘w’, encoding=’utf-8′).

Otherwise, you will encounter the error shown in the image below:

Complete Guide to Training Word2Vec with Chinese Wikipedia on Windows (Part 1)

Before providing the complete code, we need to install some dependencies: numpy, scipy, and gensim. Installing gensim depends on scipy, and installing scipy depends on numpy. We will directly install numpy using the command in the Windows command line: pip install numpy.

After successfully installing numpy, install scipy using the command pip install scipy. However, you might encounter an error; generally, this happens. The correct way is to download the .whl file from the website and install it. You can download the scipy package from:

Find the appropriate version:

Complete Guide to Training Word2Vec with Chinese Wikipedia on Windows (Part 1)

After downloading, you can install it using the pip command: pip install scipy-0.19.0-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl. Then use the command pip install gensim.

Converting XML Wiki Data to Text Format

Use the code below to process the data, naming it This code is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3:

from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import os.path
import six
import sys

from gensim.corpora import WikiCorpus

if __name__ == '__main__':
    program = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    logger = logging.getLogger(program)

    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
    logging.root.setLevel(level=logging.INFO)"running %s" % ' '.join(sys.argv))

    # check and process input arguments
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print("Using: python wiki.en.text")
    inp, outp = sys.argv[1:3]
    space = " "
    i = 0

    output = open(outp, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
    wiki = WikiCorpus(inp, lemmatize=False, dictionary={})
    for text in wiki.get_texts():
        if six.PY3:
            output.write(b' '.join(text).decode('utf-8') + '\n')
        # ###another method###
        #    output.write(
        #            space.join(map(lambda x:x.decode("utf-8"), text)) + '\n')
            output.write(space.join(text) + "\n")
        i = i + 1
        if (i % 10000 == 0):
  "Saved " + str(i) + " articles")

    output.close()"Finished Saved " + str(i) + " articles")

Execute the code with the following command:

python zhwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2 wiki.zh.text
Plain text

However, an error occurred:

Complete Guide to Training Word2Vec with Chinese Wikipedia on Windows (Part 1)

This is because our numpy version is incorrect, so we first need to uninstall the current numpy using pip, then go to the website:

Download the corresponding version of numpy and install it:

Complete Guide to Training Word2Vec with Chinese Wikipedia on Windows (Part 1)

Then execute the command again, and it should run successfully:

Complete Guide to Training Word2Vec with Chinese Wikipedia on Windows (Part 1)

Alright, we will stop here for today’s experiment, and continue tomorrow!

Original link:

To learn more, please scan the QR code below and follow the Machine Learning Research Association.

Complete Guide to Training Word2Vec with Chinese Wikipedia on Windows (Part 1)

Source: Artificial Intelligence LeadAI

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