Google has many GDEs (Google Developers Experts) around the world, all of whom are recognized experts by Google. GDEs are committed to spreading and promoting new technologies in various forms and helping developers solve problems encountered during the development process.
Each GDE has made special contributions to their respective fields.
The author of “A Simple and Direct Guide to TensorFlow”, Li Xihan, is actively engaged in promoting TensorFlow. This concise TensorFlow introductory guide is based on TensorFlow’s Eager Execution (dynamic graph) mode, aiming to help developers with a certain foundation in machine learning and Python quickly get started with TensorFlow.
Tutorial Directory
1. Introduction
2. TensorFlow Installation
Easy Installation
Formal Installation
Your First Program
3. TensorFlow Basics
TensorFlow 1+1
Basic Example: Linear Regression
4. TensorFlow Models
Model and Layer
Basic Example: Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)
Custom Layers *
Graph Execution Mode *
5. TensorFlow Extensions
Checkpoint: Saving and Restoring Variables
TensorBoard: Visualization of Training Process
Using and Allocating GPU
6. Appendix: Static TensorFlow
TensorFlow 1+1
Basic Example: Linear Regression
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