Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?

AI painting is one of the branches of AIGC, amidst the hype and controversy, 2022 was even dubbed the “Year of AIGC.” With the popularity of AI painting, one of the core technologies behind it, the Diffusion Model, has also become very prominent in the field of image generation, and it even seems to be starting to surpass GAN.

Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?
From the schematic, it can be seen that the input text is first encoded, and then transformed into a small image of 64*64 by a text-to-image diffusion model, which is then processed by a super-resolution diffusion model to improve the image resolution through further iterations, resulting in the final generated image – a 1024*1024 final image.

Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?

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Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?

Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?
The diffusion model leverages UNet from the field of image segmentation, has stable training loss, sufficient data, and performs exceptionally well. Compared to GANs, which require adversarial training with a discriminator, or VAEs that need variational posteriors, the loss of the diffusion model is significantly simpler. The diffusion model only needs to “mimic” a very simple forward process corresponding to the reverse process. This simple and efficient training also allows the diffusion model to perform exceptionally well in many tasks, even surpassing GAN.

Overall, the diffusion model field is currently in a flourishing state, somewhat similar to when GANs were first proposed. However, the current training techniques allow diffusion models to directly bypass the model tuning stage in the GAN field and can be used directly for downstream tasks. There are still some core theoretical issues in this field that need research, providing valuable research content for researchers, and many ideas can be sparked. Since this model is already working well, its combination with downstream tasks has just begun, and there are many opportunities to seize. As the issues within diffusion models are resolved, they will gradually dominate the field of deep generative models.

Recently, during a conversation with a top conference paper expert who graduated from Tsinghua University, I was amazed by his background. This expert has already published over twenty top conference papers! (Definitely a top conference paper harvesting machine.) In addition to being a reviewer for top conferences and journals such as CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, AAAI, ACM, MM, IJCV, he is also a senior research scientist at Alibaba, and each of these descriptions is impressive~
We also invited this top conference paper expert to discuss the principles of diffusion models and their applications in cross-modal synthesis, to see how he understands the currently popular diffusion models

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Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?

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Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?

To conduct research efficiently, mastering methods and reasonably utilizing available resources is crucial! Based on the experiences of fellow students and my own research growth, I found that many people generally lack a systematic research knowledge system, making it difficult to write a qualified paper. Let alone discover good innovative points and ideas!

Research and paper writing can actually be divided into the following three categories:

  1. Discover a new method and apply it to a known problem (Old Problem New Method)

  2. Discover a new problem and extend existing research to this problem (New Problem Old Method)

  3. Discover a new problem and propose a new method for analysis and research (New Problem New Method)

In terms of difficulty, New Problem Old Method < New Problem New Method < Old Problem New Method.

Therefore, the innovative points and ideas that everyone struggles with actually have methodologies, and once mastered, it becomes relatively easy to find an idea~

To think of an “idea,” there are two treasures – model + algorithm

The model can be understood as part of the system model, which can be an extension of the existing problem model. This is called innovation; as long as you are doing something that others have not researched or researched very little, it can already be considered innovation.

Once you propose a model, you need to choose a suitable algorithm to solve the problems within the model. Finding a suitable algorithm and reasonably improving it according to your own scenario is already a great idea.

For research novices, taking the first step in research is crucial. Determine a research direction, choose a topic, find innovative points, obtain ideas, and write a paper. This path of leveling up can have simple or complex modes; anyway, regardless of which mode, guidance from experts will make it much easier.

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Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?

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Benefits at the end of the article

As a researcher busy with papers daily, I know everyone needs some resources. Therefore, I have carefully compiled a package of over 1T of AI top conference papers! It includes the latest top conference papers, books, and materials, as well as English paper writing guidance, from literature reading to paper writing, all organized for you~

Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?

Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?

Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?

Is Diffusion Really Stronger Than GAN?

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